Coingecko & Coinmarketcap


Coingecko is a cryptocurrency market data website that provides price and market data for a wide range of cryptocurrencies. The website allows users to track the price and market capitalization of various cryptocurrencies, as well as to view historical price data and chart trends.

In addition to price and market data, Coingecko also provides information on the development and activity of various cryptocurrencies, including the number of developers working on a project and the number of GitHub commits. The website also provides data on cryptocurrency exchanges, including the trading volume and the number of active markets for each exchange.

Coingecko is a useful resource for individuals and businesses interested in tracking the performance and development of different cryptocurrencies. The website provides a wide range of data and tools that can be used to research and analyze the cryptocurrency market.


Coinmarketcap is a website that provides real-time price and market data for a wide range of cryptocurrencies. The website allows users to view the current price, market capitalization, and 24-hour trading volume of various cryptocurrencies, as well as to view historical price data and chart trends.

Coinmarketcap is one of the most popular websites for tracking cryptocurrency prices and market data, and it is widely used by individuals and businesses interested in the cryptocurrency market. In addition to price and market data, the website also provides information on the number of available coins, the number of coins in circulation, and the percentage of total coins that have been mined.

Coinmarketcap also allows users to compare the performance of different cryptocurrencies, to see how they are performing relative to each other. This can be useful for investors who are interested in comparing the performance of different coins or for individuals who are considering investing in a particular cryptocurrency.

Overall, Coinmarketcap is a useful resource for tracking the performance and trends of the cryptocurrency market.

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Coingecko & Coinmarketcap