The cryptocurrency ecosystem refers to the various components that make up the broader digital currency environment. It includes:
We have several cryptocurrencies on various blockchains in which they have their ecosystem. We have the Ethereum ecosystem, the BNB ecosystem, the Fantom ecosystem, Avax ecosystem, Polygon ecosystem, APTOS ecosystem etc.
Below is a brief explanation of what is consisted in these eco systems using Ethereum ecosystem as a case study;
The Ethereum ecosystem refers to the various components that make up the broader Ethereum digital currency environment. It includes:
…And for Binance Smart Chain ecosystem
The Binance ecosystem refers to the various components that make up the broader Binance environment. Binance is a major cryptocurrency exchange and the native cryptocurrency of the Binance platform is Binance Coin (BNB).
The Binance ecosystem includes:
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BitWay Academy is a product of BitWay Technologies, A platform to educate over 100,000 Africans on how to start their cryptocurrency journey.
We want every AFRICAN to have good and sound cryptocurrency knowledge